Butler Area Sewer Authority GIS is an interactive map used to make BASA Geographic Information System (GIS) data available to the public.
Data may be searched by address by typing the address into the search bar at the top of the page.
Map Layers
Information is displayed in the form of layers which can be turned on and off using the layer drop down menu. The map layers can be accessed by clicking the Layer List symbol found in the bottom center of the BASA GIS. To turn a layer on or off, check or uncheck it in the drop-down menu. Some layers are accessible only at certain zoom levels, so zooming in or out will make them appear or disappear. There are a variety of data layers available, which include Sanitary Structure (Manholes), Sewer Lines, Municipal Boundaries, Address Points, Street Centerlines, Contours, Parcels and BASA Service Area.
Base Map
There are three options for the base map. There is an aerial image of the BASA service area, a street view, and a topographic view. The views include parcels, contours, buildings, and streets. These base maps can be changed using the Base Map Gallery.
Navigating the Map
Other Buttons, along the bottom, include a legend, a draw, a measure, and a print tool.
The navigation toolbar is located on the left side of the screen. The plus and minus signs zoom in and out on the map. The home button zooms to the original map extent. The location button displays the current location if location service is available.
A scale bar and coordinates are available in the bottom left corner of the screen. This displays the current map scale and the cursor coordinates. Select the “get coordinates tool” and click on the map to get specific coordinates for a location.
Coordinates are in Easting and Northing feet.